You stupid humans do one thing right: Sweet, sweet coffee. Monkey love coffee. Monkey drink it every day.
Sometimes monkey drink it hot, sometimes monkey drink it cold, sometimes monkey drink it with chocolate mixed in.
Sometimes monkey drink too much coffee and start climbing and jumping and screaming like back in jungle. Also, it make monkey have to pee a lot.
And sometimes, like today, monkey run out of coffee.
Don't mess with monkey when that happens.
Sometimes monkey drink it hot, sometimes monkey drink it cold, sometimes monkey drink it with chocolate mixed in.
Sometimes monkey drink too much coffee and start climbing and jumping and screaming like back in jungle. Also, it make monkey have to pee a lot.
And sometimes, like today, monkey run out of coffee.
Don't mess with monkey when that happens.
Mmmmmmm Monkey. . . anytime you run out of coffee, you just come out to visit me here in the NW. I have an espresso machine in my home. And a coffee maker. And lots of tea. And a new movie to watch and review. . . Just Like Heaven. Coffee, popcorn with garlic salt and Brewer's Yeast, and 72 degrees of forced air heat under the full moon. . . the only thing better would be the tropics themselves! Enjoy that holiday that humans have named after STDs. . . Happy V.D. to ya. . . .
Anonymous, at 7:32 PM
Oh yes. And I always am. (nice, and a pretty lady, that is.) *smiles* Worried I was not a lady, weren't you? Normally on the V.D. I would recommend a rousing trip to the nearest Vagina Monologues for reviewing. . . but I didn't figure that you would behave well, or react too kindly to it. Anyway, hope many send you chocolate covered bananas and coconut banana mocha for your holiday today. Cheers!
Anonymous, at 12:23 AM
Wish Monkey had an email. NW
Anonymous, at 4:34 PM
Monkey have email. But monkey not know how to give you address without putting it on blog. And then everyone will be emailing monkey all the time. Monkey not need Viagra, Xanax, or college degree online! Any ideas?
Monkey Critic, at 4:41 PM
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Anonymous, at 10:29 PM
NW: Monkey deleted your comment so no spam for you! Monkey have one question - was the IM name you gave monkey for Yahoo, AOL, or other?
Monkey Critic, at 10:33 PM
Yahooooooooooooooooooo *smiles*
Anonymous, at 11:23 PM
Does that mean its also an email address? K******
Monkey Critic, at 7:04 AM
Yes. . . it does mean that. *grins again* Am glad to see you posted. . . I was starting to think perhaps you were a shy, quiet, timid, gentle monkey underneath the facade you have up here. Will watch for you soon. . am thinking you are probably on the western coast watching our posting times. . . also. . you ought to rent and review "The L Word" series. . . Lots of pretty ladies, (doing other pretty ladies. . .) worth the watch. Good plot lines, too.
Anonymous, at 2:22 PM
If Showtime picks up Arrested Development, monkey will subscribe. Then monkey can watch pretty ladies in The L Word all the time!
Monkey Critic, at 4:08 PM
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